military aid to Israel during last spring’s violence in Gaza and Jerusalem, but it is not clear. Smiles from Horizon is just that - a burst of cheerfulness during the darkest times, bringing sights of relief to parents and sounds of laughter from their children. The Sunrise Movement, best known for its support for the Green New Deal, spoke out against U.S. They continuity from camp to bedside helps our campers feel connected to their counselors, friends and fun, lessening the sense of isolation and fear that a hospital admission can bring with it. They will sit at bedside and play with the child, share stories of camp days, and even give mom or dad a drop of respite so she or he can go home for a few hours, change clothes and maybe have a hot meal. Not mentioned in the Sunrise DC statement are. Whenever we become aware that one of our campers is hospitalized, either camp counselors, staff or volunteers will visit with a few special surprises and a cheery smile. Sunrise DC called for one of the rally’s main organizers, Declaration for American Democracy, to remove the three Jewish groups from its coalition. As with all our programs, Fun-days are offered to our families at no charge.
Free transportation is available if needed. Generic astronomy calculator to calculate times for sunrise, sunset, moonrise, moonset for many cities, with daylight saving time and time zones taken in account. Some of the Fun-days are family events, where parents and children enjoy the fun-filled festivities together. Calculations of sunrise and sunset in Washington DC USA for February 2023. These camp-like activity days include sports, crafts, as well as special shows & programs. Our year-round program makes it possible for our campers to see their friends throughout the year while enjoying summer fun all year long.

During the school year, our camp hosts Horizon Fun-days - special activity days for our campers - along with many of the same staff who helped to make their summers so wonderful. Our kids love camp so much that we just had to extend the fun beyond the summer.